The book starts with basic meditations, the meditations for beginners, and goes on to advanced meditations. It is a useful book for those on path. It aims to give you direction, eventually it will be your dedication to yourself, your love for self growth that can open new doors for you. Enjoy, stay blessed.
Chapter II
Yoga for Health and Longevity
Sit on ground or yoga mat. Lift your left leg slightly above the ground. Move toes of the left foot slowly, backward and forward. Repeat three times. Repeat with toes of right foot.
Next lift your left leg slightly above the ground, move the whole left foot slowly, backward and forward, bending from the ankle joint. Repeat three times. Repeat with right foot.
Place your hand under your right thigh, supporting it, bend and straighten the right knee joint. Repeat three times. Repeat it on left thigh.
Now slowly stand up. Now hold both hands straight in front of the body at shoulder level. Open the hands with fingers stretched as far as possible, then close the hand into a fist. Repeat three times.
Next keep palms open, and finger straight. Bend the hand downwards and then upwards from the wrist. Repeat three times.
Now make a loose fist with thumb inside. Rotate the fist about the wrist anticlockwise; keeping care that the fist faces downwards throughout the rotation. Do it three times. Repeat clockwise.
Next stretch the arms straight in front of the body. Bend the arm at elbows and touch shoulder with hands. Straighten arms again. Repeat it three times.
Now bend both arms with both fingers at shoulder. Rotate the elbows in as large circle as possible. Repeat three times anti-clockwise and three times clockwise.
Close your eyes. Slowly bend the head forward try to touch the chest with the chin. Then slowly move it backward. Repeat it three times.
Keep eyes closed. Slowly rotate the head towards right and then towards left. Repeat three times.
Keeping eyes closed next, rotate the head downward to the right, backward and then to the left side in a relaxed smooth circular motion
We start again from the lie down position. Bend the knees, with sole on the ground. Interlock the fingers of both hands and place the palms under the back of the head with elbows touching the ground. Breathe in, while breathing out slowly try to bring the knees down to the floor on right side, at the same time, gently turn the head and neck towards left.
Hold the position for few moments, and breath slowly. Next breath in and bring knees, neck and head back to their original position. Do in reverse direction. Repeat three times in both directions.
Sit with legs stretched in front of the body. Raise both arms in the front at shoulder level, make a loose fist and point the thumbs upwards. Slowly increase the distance between the two thumbs, by moving left arm towards left and right arm towards right. During the entire process arms stay straight and at shoulder level.
Increase the distance between arms, such that both thumbs are in view.
Now without rotating the head, focus on the left thumb, and then focus on the right thumb. Repeat three times.
Sit in vajrasana, raise buttocks, and stand on your knees. Slowly, lean forward and place the hands on the floor. Both arms and thighs are now perpendicular to the ground, with arms shoulder distance apart, and knees hip-distance apart.
While inhaling, raise the head and depress the spine so that back becomes concave shape. Hold for few seconds. While exhaling, lower the head and stretch the spine upwards, again hold for few seconds. Repeat three times.
Sit in a comfortable posture, lips are gently closed and jaws loose. Raise the arms, use index finger to plug the ears. Bring awareness to the brow chakra. Inhale through nose. Exhale slowly while making a steady humming sound like bee. Do this for three to seven minutes.